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Fine start you got here. 

One change would be changing the spawn doors signs from "Horny boys goes from here" to "Horny boys come from here".

Also, something I thought for a perk when those come in, is a perk that makes some of the horny boys (and I assume maybe girls at some point :P)  have a chance to try and sex eachother. The term is called 'infighting', but I guess in this game it would be 'insexing' :P

Other obvious things would be can't wait for more animations, models and textures being added but those come with time.

not bad, for now yus its quite buggy well mine is having a T pose first than back to normal animation, and maybe little suggestion about "bullet tracer" idk but the bullet tracer take bit too long to disappear and weird bug happen when i shot closer to enemy, when i shot closer its make a T pose for reason well that all for me,  i support your game and all your hard work 

T-pose when you got 0 stamina(hp)? This is not bug. Its just no animation for waiting while somebody going restrain MC.
About bullet tracer its just for debug, I'll chande it into something suitable, Also I know about buggy shooting system (weapon start shoot far away when target is too close) I gonna rework shooting code in version.

T-pose when you shoot too close? Can't find it right now, trying to shoot as close as possible but no t-pose. Maybe your stamina dropped to knocked down state when you did that?

Not bad, but I prefer first person more than thirt, also in xxx. A little bit too less ammunition, but that's the plan, huh? ;)

Thank you! This is 3rd person game with free camera (will make it in future builds) during sex acts, I'm not sure it suitable for 1st, but actually it makes sense (but most likely realisation  will be shelved for long time)

About ammunition - I need play with balance. I'll start fix it in next builds.

Not a bad game, found a few bugs one being a way to get inf ammo. if you swing the bat while trying to pick up ammo it lets you pick up as much as you want.

Oh, thanks! I'll fix it in next update. What about rest?

It seems to be okay, a great base that i can totally get behind. wouldnt mind doing more bug hunting if you want?

Yup, and will mention you as a bugfinder in game

hey bird, I have yet to give the game a test, but I think I would love to support development. do you have a telegram or discord?

(I am a 3D artist and Unity Dev)

Sure! My discord dragonbird13

The best game in the world, I will wait for dragonbird13 to create the next build, and I wish you good development of the game, thank you dragonbird13 for this build, I hope you create the best furry game in the universe, I wish you health and glorification of your game!

Thank you!!! 0_0
I'll make it as soon as posible. I planning my next small update as sound update for animations. I think in 5-10 days!

I think the game has great prospects, good luck in development!

Thank you!!